Since this is my first post, I'll start with a brief introduction. For those of you who don't know, my name is John and I've been accepted to the JET Program starting in August. JET (Japanese Exchange and Teaching) is a Japanese government-operated program that hires English speakers to work in Japan as language teachers and cultural ambassadors. There are a few positions for which aspiring JET's can apply, and I've been offered a job as an Assistant English Language Teacher. I just found out that I've been placed in Shiga Prefecture in central Honshu. Although I'm sure all of you know exactly where that is, I've included a map for those who didn't take Japanese Geography in school. Check it out.
Zoom in, shall we?

That large body of water is Lake Biwa, or Biwa-ko, Japaaaaaan's largest freshwater laaaaaaaaake!!!* I know very little about Shiga aside from the big drink, but since it occupies the much of the prefecture, I can only assume that I already know most of what there is to know about the area. All kidding aside, I'm looking forward to learning more about where I'm to live and work and will be sure to update you all with any neat factoids I stumble across.
This will be my first time visiting Japan, and while I'm thrilled for the opportunity to live and work somewhere completely foreign to me, I have a few apprehensions. As of today, I can say the following 5 PG-rated** phrases in Japanese:
1) It's nice weather, isn't it?
2) It's nasty weather, isn't it?
3) I'm American
4) Excuse me, do you speak English?
5) I don't understand Japanese
Yes, they're all fairly useful phrases, but probably won't help me manage my finances and negotiate the conditions of my new cell phone contract. Needless to say, I'll be spending some serious hours with Japanese for Dummies this summer, feeling very much like a dummy. If any of you feel like helping or joining me in my struggle let me know. I'm willing to trade Spanish, cash or booze for Japanese help. Good deal, act now!
I'll also be pretty bummed to be leaving everyone here in Oklahoma. A year is a long time to go without seeing a lot of you ladies and slugs. Therefore, I recommend all of you pool some extra change, buy a boat and sail your slimy selves over to the land of the rising sun. Just make sure Armon doesn't choose the voyage soundtrack, or you might be hearing "I'm On a Boat" about 10,000 times too many. Seriously though, I'll miss a lot of my friends, family and other loved ones and can only hope that some of you come sleep on my tatami for a few weeks. Hopefully at that point I'll be able to negotiate my way out of Japanese jail. Just in case...
Upon my arrival I'll sign a contract for at least one year, ensuring ample opportunity to share the hilarity resulting from language barriers, cultural misunderstandings and various other factors. I will also be sure to take many, many pictures which I will post for your viewing pleasure. I have high hopes for this blog, and I'll try to do a better job updating than I have in my spotty blogging past. Please, whether you like my blog or despise it, let me know. Any feedback is better than no feedback, so please, please comment. It'll earn you some mad karma points, I promise.
I depart for Japan on July 24th. Until then, I'll update periodically regarding my preparation, or lack thereof. Practice commenting on the boring posts, so by the time I post something interesting you'll be a seasoned veteran. I'll leave you with that for now.
Ja mata, ("See you later!")***
*To be read aloud ala Michael Scott's description of Sandals Jamaica's pool*
** For those interested in the remainder of my vocabulary, buy a copy of Dirty Japanese or ask me in person. This is a family-friendly environment (so far)**
***Japanese PG-Rated Phrase #6***
you should educate your students as to the fine art of Okie noodlin' in Lake Biwa!!!
ReplyDeleteAlso, please solve the North Korea situation
ReplyDeletedid i already tell you to read bruce feiler's learning to bow...? i dont remember.
ReplyDeletethis was too long & informative to read but i did read the 1st line and it needs some editing... your first line should have been "since this is my first and only post, I'll start with a really long & detailed introduction." good luck little one. my advice: if you meet someone named rodrigo and/or freddy and/or a "gringita", befriend them.
ReplyDeleteI second both things that Eric said. Also, I would never edit your posts, however I do hope this isn't the only one you write. I have the suspicion that you might have already lost interest in blogging...