Tuesday, November 17, 2009

It's cold

You know it's cold inside your school when your pee makes the urinal steam.

Oh, how I long for central heating.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Earl Boykins: NBA International Ambassador?

The other day I was teaching one of my third grade (senior) classes and struck up a conversation with one of the funnier students in class, who of course, had no intention of working on the sheet I had given him. He's the point guard on our school's basketball team, so I asked:
"Hidei, who's your favorite basketball player?"
He paused for a few seconds, then shocked me with his response.
"Boykeen. Earl Boykeen. You know? Boykeen"
"Earl Boykins? Really? Really???"

Earl Boykins. NBA legend and fan favorite halfway across the world.